Premium Lawn Care Program


We offer everything you need for a beautiful lawn regardless of its current condition. Our Premium Lawn Care Program features custom blends of phosphate-free fertilizers with slow-release technology. This custom produces a beautiful, lush, green turf while decreasing nitrogen input and eliminating the need for phosphorus. This proprietary blend provides a better base for consistent color, better disease resistance, a stronger root system, and increased drought tolerance. 

In addition to our Premium Lawn Care Program, we also offer a number of additional Lawn Enhancement Services.

Our Premium Lawn Care Program includes:

  • 5 Applications throughout the growing season

  • Pre-emergent crabgrass control

  • Spot Treatment for Broadleaf weeds

  • Preventative Grub Control

  • Surface Insect Control (fleas, ticks, ants and chinchbugs)

  • Summer Damage Lawn Analysis and recommendations

  • Winterizer/Turf Builder

  • An email notification before each visit


premium lawn care detailed program

Application 1- March/April

  • Pelletized Fertilizer with Pre-emergent Crabgrass control

Timing is everything! Pre-emergent crabgrass control provides a barrier on the soil surface to prevent crabgrass seeds from germinating later in the season.

Application 2- April/may

  • Pelletized fertilizer with Pre-emergent crabgrass control

  • spot treatment for broadleaf weeds

A second application of pre-emergent crabgrass control is applied in order to control the second flush of crabgrass in mid-late July. The spot treatment technique allows us to target broadleaf weeds and not blanket-coat the lawn with herbicide, thus reducing the overall application of pesticides.

application 3- june/july

  • pelletized fertilizer with preventative grub control

  • surface feeding insect control

  • spot treatment for broadleaf weeds

Grubs are a common problem in lawns. We have found that a preventative control is less toxic than a curative control. Grubs can destroy a healthy lawn in a matter of days, leaving you with a costly mess to deal with. During this visit, we will also target any problem broadleaf weeds to continue growing a healthy lawn.

application 4- August/September

  • pelletized fertilizer formulated for turf repair (with 5% iron)

  • spot treatment for broadleaf weeds

  • summer damage lawn analysis

Adding iron to the lawn enhances and deepens the lawn color without excessive nitrogen. We will continue to spot treat any problem areas of broadleaf weeds. During this visit we will analyze your lawn health due to summer drought and heat stress which can cause damages beyond our control. We will contact you for a follow-up appointment if additional services will be needed in the fall in order to maintain a healthy lawn.

application 5- October - December

  • winterizer/turf builder with 5% iron

Developmentally, this is the most important step of the season. This prepares the lawn for root and shoot development over the winter. Our winterizer application is a slow-release organic blend which becomes stored in the roots of your grass to promote an early spring green-up. This treatment is specially-formulated to help protect your lawn against winter kill and snow mold disease.